28 July 2010

Old London Street Scenes (1903)

Some amazing footage of London in 1903. It's an almost surreal experience watching this type of material and relating to it in such a direct and everyday way. I always try to picture the pace of life as normal (as opposed to slightly sped up), and of course in colour.

Or you could look at it like YouTube user pepys1633 who, 2 months ago had the following uplifting comment:

"It's very sad to think that all the people in the film have been dead for a long time, but the buildings remain the same. I have walked these streets hundreds of times during my years in the UK, and I am another shadow that perhaps has been filmed in the rush hour on a typical working day in London town, so in the far away future someone will ponder on the anonymous pedestrians rushing about their business, long, long, long dead."



  1. Cheer up mate, time waits for no man!

  2. Amazing stuff, very cool and sobering to see London like that. Also, its good to see blokes really did walk along with a thumb hanging out of their waistcoat watch pocket!
